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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Jaques, R. Kevin, "Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)." In Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. edited byMartin, Richard C..335-336. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Khaldun
2. Jaques, R. Kevin. "A Muslim History of Islamic Law: Ibn Qāḍī Shuhbah's Ṭabaqāt al-Fuqahāʾ al-Shāfiʿīyah (The Generations of the Shāfiʿī Jurists)." [8], 335 pp.. Ph.D. dissertation, Emory University, 2001.
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Ibn Qadi Shuhbah
3. Jaques, R. Kevin. "The Other Rabīʿ: Biographical Traditions and the Development of Early Shāfiʿī Authority." Islamic Law and Society 14, 2 (2007): 143-179.
Subjects: Scholarship
4. Jaques, R. Kevin, Ibn Hajar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Series: The Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Makers of Islamic Civilization Series,
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani
5. Jaques, R. Kevin. "Murder in Damascus: The Consequences of Competition among Medieval Muslim Religious Elites." Mamlūk Studies Review 18, (2014-15): 149-186.
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Religion



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